Upgrade your studio monitors in a big way with the Antelope Audio Atlas i8. These advanced monitors offer integrated technology and exceptional sound quality. Visit Vintage King for more information and to grab a pair for your studio. Take your music production to the next level!bit.ly/AntelopeAtlasi8Pair
At Vintage King you can grab the Atlas i8 Monitors as a single or in pairs.
Links to them are below.
Atlas i8 Single – bit.ly/AntelopeAtlasi8
Atlas i8 Pair – bit.ly/AntelopeAtlasi8Pair
Sections of this Antelope Audio Atlas i8 Video
0:00 Intro to Atlas i8 Studio Monitors
0:30 Where To Buy Atlas i8 Monitors
0:46 How Much Do They Cost?
1:13 Build Quality And Weight
1:40 Size Comparison to My Old Monitors
2:05 How The Design Makes them Smaller than Their Sound
2:34 Can They Be Positioned Horizontal?
3:04 Rear Connections
3:27 The Rear LED Screen
3:39 What’s The USB Port For?
4:27 Even More Information On The Atlas i8
4:55 Updating The Firmware
5:58 Using The Rear Screen To Adjust Settings
6:49 Giving The Atlas i8 A Listen
8:14 Will You Need A Powered Sub To Go With Them?